Unlock Your Life with Max Igan and Lorenzo!




What does it take to assure one lives a life able to make their choices freely?

Only prisoners get put in lockdown, it’s prison language after all.

Perhaps a hero is someone who finds a way to fully free themselves to live a life well lived, one worth the living.

I have found that a new choice, once made and put into play, can open up new wonders never considered possible before. Easy? No! Nothing worth acquiring or that has the power to transform one’s life in our time here is easy. At least that’s been my experience so far.

Yet, to remain in a cage of belief penned in by fears, worries and troubles, real or imagined, is certainly not a recipe for heroic success. The opposite is so, I would say. However, it does sound like the beginning of such a tale. Adversity, after all, need not be a deterrent to magnificence, but rather a great catalyst and encouragement to creating freedom.

Leave the box. Dare to be different, to go against the grain, the herd, the lemmings rushing off their cliff of conformity. Drop caring what others may think of you. Even a fool’s wisdom may come to the rescue, I’ve found, by fooling the jailer of your destiny to step aside and allow escape, and maybe even offer a chance for a quick kick to the backside in thanks to both parties.

Today I had the great pleasure of discussing such topics with a long-standing inspirational figure of mine, Max Igan.

Like the rest of us, he has had his challenges in life. Like many who don’t dare though, he has looked at those challenges as obstacles to overcome so that he may spend his days as ‘a happy man’. Who says he’s happy? Well, he does. And he’s got the smile to prove it.

For me, he may have figured out the best way to ‘unlock’ one’s life. Perhaps it’s a simple willingness to do so. To look only to yourself to see if your life is moving how you wish. No one can tell you what’s exactly right for you. Rules that leave you caged are not rules which should be allowed to stand. We only have this one life, why let anyone else ‘author’ it for you?

I hope you find this chat as friendly, helpful and loving as I did.

More From Max…








newnow@newagora.ca for questions or to book your spot!

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