by 4Freedom | May 6, 2023 | The Hub, Utopia Cornucopia
Can You Please Point Me to the Door Out of Here? by Mofwoofoo Imagine that there is an entity, God. Wait, this is not going to be religious at all. I only say to imagine God only for the sake of this discussion, its not important here...
by 4Freedom | May 4, 2023 | Actual Activists by Matt Landman, The Hub
A Guide to EMF Radiation Meters by Matt Landman EMF radiation meters are a valuable tool to help you detect the devices in your home giving off significant amounts of EMF radiation, allowing you to remove these devices or place them...
by NewNow | May 2, 2023 | The Hub, Utopia Cornucopia
Fractals of God by MofWooFoo I believe that it is possible that all living creatures are fractals of God. I will use that word, which to me only names the ineffable, the inconceivable. I am not religious, I am spiritual. The way the Universe, and...
by NewNow | May 1, 2023 | Autodidactic, The Hub
Author your own Purge for Power and Healing – Autodidactic ”We can all author our own stories and see where we need to clear, clean, address and then choose how to heal and fill our sails with Power!” ...
by NewNow | Apr 27, 2023 | The Bear Truth, The Hub
Latest Message from (The Late) Quiet Bear as of April 2023 Those of us who are alive today, during these most tumultuous and unpredictable of times, are special. You know who you are. In that quiet space within you that preserves your divine...
by 4Freedom | Apr 26, 2023 | Autodidactic, Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Bugs in OUR System – Know thy Enemy bug – noun 1 -a: any of an order (Hemiptera and especially its suborder Heteroptera) of insects (such as an assassin bug or chinch bug) that have sucking mouthparts, forewings...
by NewNow | Apr 24, 2023 | The Hub, Utopia Cornucopia
The King is Naked, The King is Naked, Dammit, the King is Naked! by Mofwoofoo Almost since the beginning of the pandemic scare I have felt like the little boy who kept shouting “The king is naked” from the Hans Christian...
by NewNow | Apr 23, 2023 | The Hub, THE WAY OUT
Hitler’s Hideaway in Northern Poland By Deanne Kaye In the summer of 2020, I was traveling in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Fortunately, I was already living in The Czech Republic, so when the borders within Europe opened on July 1st, I was able...
by NewNow | Apr 22, 2023 | Autodidactic, The Hub
The Frequency to Allow Power and Earth Energy by Autodidactic and Friends What is frequency and how can it bring you power? Is Earth Energy Enough or must you allow the changes to take shape in your life? ...