by The New Agora | Jun 14, 2017 | Conscious Realities
Diet & the Endocannabinoid System: Food for Thought By Martin A. Lee Cannabis has been a friend to humankind since before the written word, providing fiber for cordage and cloth, seeds for nutrition, and roots, leaves and flowers for ritual and healing....
by The New Agora | Jun 14, 2017 | Conscious Realities
Visit the Mercola Video Library Story at-a-glance -“Fat for Fuel,” released May 16, 2017, became an instant nationwide No. 1 best-seller, beating out the No. 2 best-selling book by a significant margin -Despite outselling all other adult nonfiction in its first week,...
by The New Agora | Jun 12, 2017 | Conscious Realities
Protests in various cities throughout Italy during the past week (June 2017). -by Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News Readers from Italy have been contacting Health Impact News this past week, asking us to cover the massive demonstrations happening throughout Italy to...
by The New Agora | Jun 4, 2017 | Conscious Realities
By Fred Dodson, New Dawn, Waking Times In my 30 years as a self-improvement coach, the most important insight is that where you put your attention is where your energy goes. If you find that hard to believe, try this: Walk through a crowd. Put your attention on the...
by The New Agora | Jun 3, 2017 | Conscious Realities
A warm sunny day … what could feel better? Yet the warm sun on our skin that we all crave gets a lot of bad press from the medical establishment. Far from being a source of illness that will kill you before your time, the sun is your best hope to live longer and...
by The New Agora | May 23, 2017 | Conscious Realities
Daily low doses of cannabis have been shown to improve learning and memory performance in old mice, seemingly restoring the mental age of older animals to that of young, healthy mice. The findings demonstrate that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive...
by The New Agora | May 23, 2017 | Conscious Realities
Vaccines are not “safe and effective.” There is no such thing as a safe vaccine. But you wouldn’t know it to listen to the narrative being reported in the media. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the agency appointed to hold the final word on...
by The New Agora | May 23, 2017 | Conscious Realities
One of the most intrepid independent lay EMF/RF and AMI Smart Meter investigators Warren Woodward of Sedona, Arizona, has taken upon himself to put AMI Smart Meters to the heart test. First, some backup information. Warren has been working “pro se” providing...
by The New Agora | May 3, 2017 | Conscious Realities
What do you know about AMI Smart Meters? Are you aware such a meter probably has been retrofitted on to your electric, natural gas and water utility services, probably without your knowledge and/or consent? Do you realize those digital “Advanced Metering...