Fancy Yourself Free?

Fancy Yourself Free?

Fancy Yourself Free? By Lorenzo H. Malowane We are, all of us, living in a dream, and although we get plenty of direction, good and ill, it is all, every bit of it by our own making. We create the day to day of our lives, all of it, most choose to...
Quantum Destiny    by IAM SAUMS

Quantum Destiny by IAM SAUMS

Quantum Destiny   BY IAM SAUMS “Truth thrives in the absence of reality.”   Edging God Out: Humanity is smart.  At least we think we are.  The collective intelligence of society is debatable.  How we measure our perception, understanding and...
A Being of Power By IAM SAUMS

A Being of Power By IAM SAUMS

A Being of Power   By IAM SAUMS “Who we are being is the origin of our power.”   As It Seems: Social reality is an intricate tapestry of chaos, duality and oblivion. It is a human invention we enable and sustain into existence with our participation. A...
The Time Has Come

The Time Has Come

The Time Has Come By IAM SAUMS  IAM SAUMS “Wake from reality. Wake from your dream. Wake from the fear, that is tearing at the seams of the world.”     Disturbance in the Force: Society is inverted and perverted. From its inception, it has always been...