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Worlds Collide, New Solutions and Perspectives are Forged in the Furnace of Impeccable Necessity.
The Love Frequency
The Love Frequency's Scientific Backing: 528 Hz Shown to Elevate Testosterone and Reduce Anxiety in Preclinical Research Can sound really be a form of medicine? A fascinating new study reveals how a specific frequency, 528 Hz, may hold the key to...
How EMFs are altering our native environment
How EMFs are altering our native environment By Roman & Bohdanna Would you be able to survive in Space without a space suit? What if we were losing Earth’s protection from Space as its magnetosphere weakens? How would you construct a suit of armor to...
Madkind-v-Mankind. A Race Against Time
Madkind-v-Mankind. A Race Against Time Just under the surface of daily life two starkly opposing forces are at work: ‘the will for life’ and ‘the will for no life’. Both are wrestling their way towards becoming the dominant reality of this era. It’s a race against time....
The Power of The Wise Fool
The Power of The Wise Fool By Gary Z. McGee “The wise man pretends to be a fool.” ~Shakespeare On a long enough timeline, all timelines disintegrate. The road to self-mastery is a journey not a destination. It’s a process not a result. It’s ultimately a fool’s errand...
The Last Human Election
natureofhealing.org The Last Human Election By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath A.I. is here, shaping the world in which we live. If you utilize spam filters, online shopping (e-commerce), social media, Tele-health, Gaming, Robotics, Smart™...
Trawling the Farm for Human Energy
The Freedom Articles Trawling the Farm for Human Energy By Makia Freeman In many ways, living on Planet Earth is like living on a human farm. We are being trawled for our “human energy”. I was starkly reminded of this the other day when I saw someone walking...
Is Wi-Fi Unhealthy?
Is Wi-Fi Unhealthy? by Matt Landman Scientific Evidence Suggests Negative Health Consequences with Repetitive Exposure Wi-Fi allows computers, mobile devices, and other technologies to connect to the Internet. These communication opportunities also let items send...
Mirror of Life – Beyond the Self & Phantom Work Part 5
Mirror of Life - Beyond the Self & Phantom Work Part 5 Life, other people, our supposed 'un-asked' for circumstances all can be seen and used as proper mirror's of evolution. The 'uglier' the reflection the more power there is for potential in each of our lives. I have seen, the...
Repurposed People from blind spots to relationships of trust
click on the banner for more info about my service Repurposed People from blind spots to relationships of trust by Susan Boskey As a species we are going through a lot. All I have to do is hear about yet another public explosion of violent rage to...
De-Bugging the Mind – Bugs in Our System – 2
De-Bugging the Mind - Bugs in Our System Part 2 with Cambell and Lorenzo Hmmm, perhaps the most important topic for those who have yet to fully 'delouse'. A 'fun' definition of Louse Any of numerous small, flat-bodied, wingless biting or...
Connect and Reprogram Your Old World Story with Autodidactic
Connect and Reprogram Your Old World Story with Autodidactic If you understand your story you may connect it any way you please and with that can also succeed in reprogramming your destiny. Why do we study 'old world history? Maybe it is to simply see the potential of...
Author or Authority – Creating or Following!
Author or Authority - Creating or Following! Once, long ago, waves of light built empires of beauty’s might. Ends had no meaning for nothing began in memory but was always there. Notes of attention were musical and all nourishment came...