by 4Freedom | May 18, 2022 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Power Out of the Matrix with Barnabas Nagy and Lorenzo When we hear power, how many fully grasp its meaning? pow·er (pou′ər) The ability or capacity to act or do something effectively: Is it in your power to undo this injustice? often powers A...
by The New Agora | May 3, 2022 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Tricked by the Matrix with Barnabas Nagy and Lorenzo Trick-trick: [noun] a crafty procedure or practice meant to deceive or defraud. a mischievous act : prank. an indiscreet or childish action. Seems about right for how we treat and get treated by and...
by 4Freedom | Mar 22, 2022 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Hardships to Happiness with Barnabas Nagy& Lorenzo Today I chatted with Barnabas Nagy on his Path to a Better Life. We’ve all ‘boarded’ those ships, those hard-ships. Experiences built on pain, failure, uncertainty and the like. Perhaps...