Contraception and Infertility Passports

Contraception and Infertility Passports Contraception and Infertility Passports Good Citizen   Thanks to Moderna and Pfizer, the panic over the recent SCOTUS decision to return the issue of abortion back to the states is without substance, if not constitutionally then thanks...
By Your Authority

By Your Authority By Your Authority By Rosanne Lindsay, ND|December, 2021     Feel disempowered? Got Health? Got Rights? Got Freedom? Mandates continue to roll out in every corner of the world. They serve no other purpose than to divide humanity and...
Why and How We Take Back Our Country

Why and How We Take Back Our Country

Why and How We Take Back Our Country By Andrew Wallace|September 4th, 2021 By Andrew C. Wallace I believe in plain language. Damn few people know or understand who really rules our country with an iron fist, and own most of it . I correctly label...