by 4Freedom | Jul 21, 2021 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
Levels of Legacy By Lorenzo & Jared of The Great Order Levels of Legacy. What are you currently creating in life? Where have you come from? What would you love to leave behind? I feel that we all, at one point or another, consider these...
by 4Freedom | Jul 16, 2021 | Autodidactic, Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
BEYOND BEING RULED No rulers no rules. with Cambell from Auto Didactic & Lorenzo! Beyond Being Ruled. No rulers no rules. Self-sufficiency as sovereign beings living unique lives dedicated to our higher purpose. What’s that purpose? I would...
by 4Freedom | Jun 10, 2021 | Autodidactic, Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
Discernment By Lorenzo “The act or process of keen insight or good judgment.’’ Ahh, Discernment! Sounds like an intelligent action, procedure, tactic, technique to apply to any and all aspects of life, especially to those which have anything to do with health,...
by The New Agora | May 6, 2021 | Featured
Mask Madness – The Death of Science By Dr Sircus Published on May 2021 If you wanted to grow up to be a mass murderer, destroyer of health and happiness, if you wanted to inflict maximum harm on the entire human race, what profession would you...
by The New Agora | Jul 13, 2020 | SuperConscious Realities
The Nature of Light Are We Living in a Telepathic Universe? by Jonathon Civilization has formed around key statements and pivotal moments of collective agreement. Some two hundred years after Christ, Ptolemy the Roman...