by NewNow | Dec 8, 2022 | Open Forum, The Creations of Matthew Smith
Swinging into the Void – Architects of Community – Part Two with Matt Smith and Lorenzo Merriam-Websters defines architecture as “the art or science of building”…”resulting from a conscious act” to produce...
by 4Freedom | Nov 8, 2022 | Open Forum, The Creations of Matthew Smith
“What is community and how do we build a better one?” ”Community: It is a word that gets used all of the time, often without pausing to consider what it really means. Lorenzo posed this question to me for an impromptu conversation about...
by The New Agora | Sep 28, 2022 | Open Forum
How do we do it? Consider Yourself invited to Participate. Comment on this Blog AND/OR send in your contributions to be posted online for all to see and to continue the conversation. Obviously, we need to do this together, we can’t do it without each...