Informed Consent: The Elephant In The Room

Informed Consent: The Elephant In The Room   Informed Consent: The Elephant In The Room     By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath     In a free society, we are told that informed consent happens with every conscious decision. Consent equals choice.  ...
AGE OF IDOLATRY by Michael Tsarion

AGE OF IDOLATRY by Michael Tsarion AGE OF IDOLATRY  by Michael Tsarion       The menu is not the meal – Alan Watts   In previous work I’ve often made mention of Talismanic terms. The word denotes certain words, names, utterances, signs, symbols and ideas...
One Fine Day by Tom MofWooFoo

One Fine Day by Tom MofWooFoo

  One Fine Day   The sun stood still for a moment just above the edge of the mountain line, shining through the trees, as if to say goodbye, until we meet again…we did it, another day done, done well, well done, good night. and then slid out of sight,...