by The New Agora | Aug 9, 2022 | Nowick Gray - Wild Writings, The New Agora Cognitive Dissonance by Nowick Gray What do you see in the picture above? A log on a beach, or a wily serpent hungry to eat? We can hold both as possibilities, subjective realities, or tricks of perception. More common is to settle on a...
by The New Agora | Aug 2, 2022 | Nowick Gray - Wild Writings, The New Agora All Hands on Deck by Nowick Gray It’s crunch time, mateys. All the flags are flying in a stiff breeze, sails bound for the edge of the known world. Telescopes extended, radars whirling, pigeons sent carrying messages afar. Landlubbers lament...
by The New Agora | Jul 20, 2022 | Nowick Gray - Wild Writings, The New Agora General Electric Theater by Nowick Gray Before embarking on a second career as a politician (governor of California, where he said, “If you’ve seen one redwood, you’ve seen them all”) and leader of the “free world” (US president 1980-88),...
by The New Agora | Jul 13, 2022 | Nowick Gray - Wild Writings, The New Agora News Breaking by Nowick Gray It’s a deconstruction project, both sides of the battle. The powers that would be forever, busy tearing down all that went before, to pave the way for their grand illusion. The dreamers of truth, who...
by The New Agora | Jul 4, 2022 | Nowick Gray - Wild Writings, The New Agora Drums Not Guns by Nowick Gray For news followers out there, you’ll recognize guns is a big issue these days, on a couple of fronts. In Canada and the US, legislators eager to control are quick to parlay random acts of violence (or covert...