Informed Consent: The Elephant In The Room

Informed Consent: The Elephant In The Room   Informed Consent: The Elephant In The Room     By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath     In a free society, we are told that informed consent happens with every conscious decision. Consent equals choice.  ...
The Emerging Pandemic: Corona to Cancer

The Emerging Pandemic: Corona to Cancer   The Emerging Pandemic: Corona to Cancer     By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath     Over 260 Covid-19 Tests Formerly Approved for Emergency Use Have Been Recalled by FDA Due to Serious Problems or Company...
The False Placebo

The False Placebo   The False Placebo     By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath   As much as we have tried to fuse science with medicine, much of the practice of medicine is not scientifically based. Much of what the physician does in...
The Rise of Ivermectin & Infertility

The Rise of Ivermectin & Infertility The Rise of Ivermectin & Infertility     By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath       A phenomenon called infodemic was also configured, which describes the increase in flow of information about a subject—some...