There Is Nothing to Worry About

There Is Nothing to Worry About

  There Is Nothing to Worry About     A plimsoll line runs all around the lower part of the hull of the ship, very clear to see. And it has a very practical purpose, which is simply so that captain and crew do not overload the ship.   You already...
You Are Not Your Thoughts

You Are Not Your Thoughts   by Vernon Howard   You Are Not Your Thoughts       For the rest of your life whenever you hear yourself saying, “I have a problem of nervousness, lack of love,” or whatever it might be – when you...
“Freedom from Harmful Voices*

“Freedom from Harmful Voices* by Vernon Howard “Freedom from Harmful Voices*     Recognize a voice that exploits your insecurity, such as one that insists   that you must be popular with other people.”     *”Whether a person is aware of...
Spiritual Exercise…..Save Me from Myself

Spiritual Exercise…..Save Me from Myself Spiritual Exercise…..Save Me from Myself       by Vernon Howard   What do you have to do in order to start talking about, thinking about, working about the right things? A man or a woman never likes anyone to tell them, no...

UNAWARENESS by Karen West   UNAWARENESS by Karen West       Waking up from spiritual sleep is what makes life worth living. It is a life long process that is continually fascinating and enjoyable. The richness felt when realizing I don’t know...