The Will to Heal

with RJ Spina & Lorenzo!


From ‘death’s door’ he returned to full health! The doctors gave him two days to live, and yet, six years later here he is here and ready to share his miraculous recovery.  In his own words,”I was permanently paralyzed from the chest down and I have healed myself.”

Today we chatted on will power, promise, dedication and universal power. All in relation to bringing your body, along with your ‘spiritual potential’, back into healthy alignment.

Keep an eye out for those ‘pesky’ dimensional parasites, I would say, but enjoy his perspective on ‘Super-Charged Healing’.

Hints a plenty in this talk, with many unique starting points, meditations and other actions for any who may wish to try the same.

More details and personal help potential, here too, for anyone who wishes to purchase his book and/or courses.



More of what we do:

With an older article of Rj’s we’ve just recently shared:

How To Beat And Exit The Matrix



Buy the book, Supercharged Self-Healing:

2hr Webinar: How to Experience Authentic Self-Healing and Self-Realization:

Self-Mastery Live Course Training Video:

Supercharged Self-Healing the online course + mobile app:



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Main Image for this thumb: ‘Stay Strong’ by



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