Fear’s Greatest Fear

Fear’s Greatest Fear

Fear’s Greatest Fear Let me just say this once again that most everything we publish, with the exception of my own article and the other opinion pieces are provided by independent reporters that we feel are speaking the truth but that, apart from going through...
Fear’s Greatest Fear

Freedom’s Bloom

Freedom’s Bloom What a beautiful sunny day it is right now, the first one in far too long, and although the chemtrails are edging closer and closer, it’s still early enough in the morning to get some good sunlight into the eyes and onto the skin. Thanks to...
Fear’s Greatest Fear

Love in The Kingdom of the Blind

Love in The Kingdom of the Blind This issue’s cover spells out what originally inspired our efforts of bringing people together in awareness. I’ve got to admit to often feeling something else entirely though. Even at the risk of turning some off I’m going to be even...
Fear’s Greatest Fear

Evolutionary Overture

Evolutionary Overture As a little boy whenever I heard Mozart’s ‘William Tell Overture ‘ I would be passionately inspired with an unstoppable desire to run wild, to loose my energies, to whirl and spin this strange reality into releasing me, carried...