Diamond Dust in the Sky

Diamond Dust in the Sky

Diamond Dust in the Sky     Anything that has a long lasting effect and hurts people is geoengineering. – Jim Lee, Climateviewer,com Weather Warfare   The geoengineering scheme, known as stratospheric aerosol injection, commonly called, Chem Trails,...
Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic Technologies

Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic Technologies

Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic Technologies     This is an expanded paraphrased transcript of my radio appearance on the Freeman show to discuss The Ark of the Covenant and Civilization.   Click on images for further information on a topic. Introduction...
The Tyranny of the Dead

The Tyranny of the Dead

www.agoristnexus.com The Tyranny of the Dead   By Storm Delagora, 2021   Who makes the laws? Who controls us today? Who decides what we can and cannot do? The answer is simple: the government, obviously. But this simple and accurate answer is also...