by The New Agora | Dec 4, 2022 | The Hub, Utopia Cornucopia
Do You Have Personal Integrity or Are You Self-Deluded? by Tom (MofWooFoo) Some say that the outer is a reflection of what is inside. There are mainly 2 threads that run throughout history. The same two threads that run inside each...
by 4Freedom | Dec 2, 2022 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
The Only Door Out – Part Two Video Chat – Recapitulation ‘Exiting the Cave’ with Howdie Mickowski and Lorenzo What is the Cave? If we say it’s a prison, then what is this prison made of? Maybe it’s simply limitations we...
by NewNow | Nov 28, 2022 | Open Forum, Sacred Child Living Lesson, The Hub
Affirmation by Carol Lewis Sacred Child: Living Lessons Seems too easy to swallow jagged stones of cemented guilt and sorrow. Especially now. Looking around, outside ourselves, we see the vacancy of souls in static stares. In sober moments before the...
by 4Freedom | Nov 28, 2022 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Buried Alive – Mind Monsters Part 5 with Jerry Marzinsky and Lorenzo If you’re like me, I can guess that nobody likes the idea of being ‘buried alive’. And yet, that is what most of us have done with our past...
by The New Agora | Nov 23, 2022 | The Creations of Matthew Smith, The Hub
Electric Architecture of the Old World “Have you ever wondered why “they don’t make buildings like they used to”, why our modern built environment is so soul sucking, and why Science–which we are now told works by...
by The New Agora | Nov 21, 2022 | Sacred Child Living Lesson, The Hub
THE HARVEST by Carol Lewis Sacred Child: Living Lessons Can you remember? It began long before we. Whether it came as a flash or slow seeping I don’t know. An itch just below the surface of my skin reveals the knowing of what is and what...
by The New Agora | Nov 18, 2022 | Positively Plants, The Hub
Class offerings for Jan-April 2023 by Beth Perera Eating Plant-Based for a Healthier Life … and because plants are plentiful and delicious! Instructor: Beth Perera with PositvelyPlants Knowledgeable in Plant-Based Nutrition, Diet & Lifestyle Intervention...
by The New Agora | Nov 16, 2022 | The Hub, THE WAY OUT
Healing with Courts in the Supernatural Realms By Deanne Kaye In all my years of healing work, I never thought I’d consider delving into the role spiritual realms play in our recovery. In order to access this other arena in our healing,...
by The New Agora | Nov 15, 2022 | Lion's Roar Ministry, The Hub
click on the banner for more info about my service War or Peace? by Susan Boskey The great social divide among people today is so vast that many believe time is of the essence; that is, before all out hot war spreads around the globe. The war cry...