Encouraging The Evolution of Consciousness, our Online Nexus is dedicated to health, truth and above all Freedom!



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Worlds Collide, New Solutions and Perspectives are Forged in the Furnace of Impeccable Necessity.

Featured this Week

Saved from Drowning: From a Virtual Existence to a Real Life

  Saved from Drowning:   From a Virtual Existence to a Real Life       Julian Rose   Please note: I have written this in an unusual form – as a story told by a young person suffering, and finally overcoming, addiction to an increasingly pervasive IT world. It is an urgent humanitarian alert. A whole generation can be lost if we cannot help them grasp the tragic...

The Art of Hyper Dimensional War

The Art of Hyper Dimensional War       This is a summary of what I have learned from my encounters with inner and outer demons. Let this text be food for thought and don’t take my word for anything… but do customize what you read here to fit your own experience.   First, understand that you only experience what you need or choose to experience, and what you need to experience...

Censorship and the Death of Freedom

academyofideas.com Censorship and the Death of Freedom     The following is a transcript of this video.   “…in those wretched Countries where a Man cannot call his Tongue his own, he can scarce call any Thing else his own. Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech.” Silence Dogood, pseudonym of Benjamin Franklin, The New-England...

Sub-personalities, Invisible Forces, Spirit Attachments, And An Alternative Perspective On Mental Illness

  Sub-personalities, Invisible Forces,   Spirit Attachments, And An Alternative Perspective   On Mental Illness         By Bernhard Guenther       Chapters: Introduction Ask yourself, who do you “think” YOU are? People are Machines Suggestions & Influences from the Outside Collective Suggestions Suggestions from People Surrounding You...

How to Hit a Target No One Else Can See

How to Hit a Target No One Else Can See     “Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.” ~Schopenhauer   You don’t have to be a genius to be creative, but you do have to be creative to be a genius. Focus on creativity. Get out of your own way. Allow your imagination to fly.   Get weird. Be the glitch. Go mad if you must. As Bill Murray...

Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves

  Mission Creep: How the Police State   Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves     By John & Nisha Whitehead   “In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of...

The Experience of Transcendence

    The Experience of Transcendence     “Life is the lie we delude ourselves with to evade our soul.”     A Vision of Transcendence   We are eternal beings.  Yet, we rarely embody our existence as a soul, or as an expression of the universe.  Beyond our body and mind is our heart center, a torus of universality resonating omnidimensional energy.  It synergizes...

The Meaning of Peace in the Bhagavad Gita

The Meaning of Peace in the Bhagavad Gita       The superb Sanskrit text, The Bhagavad Gita, is an amazing guide and in my view the ultimate “user's manual” for the human adventure. This ancient text is a dialogue between two mighty heroes: Krishna and Arjuna. Krishna represents the God within us all who is always waiting patiently to guide us - if we can listen. Arjuna is the...

God Killer

God Killer       “Beware the man who would kill a god, the choir whispers, for he will never know peace, and he will drag the whole universe into war to keep him merry company along the way. He will stand before the throne, look the void in the eye, and laugh.” ~Okayophelia   Outflanked by false gods. Outpaced by religious gods. Overwhelmed by contemporary gods. What is a...

How Grounding Heals EMF damage

How Grounding Heals EMF damage   How to treat EMF Radiation - Part 3     Roman S Shapoval In the coming weeks, I’ll be doing a series on what strategies we can apply to mitigate EMF damage that’s already occurred.* This is part 3. *Future articles will also focus on how to prioritize removal of specific EMFs in our lives.   Here’s what you’ll learn in this article:   1....

The Connection Between Toxic Mold, Parasites & EMFs

natureofhealing.org   The Connection Between Toxic Mold, Parasites & EMFs     By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath     Living in the material world means an attachment to wireless technology. When does an attachment become an addiction?   Can you do without a cellphone? Watching TV? Scrolling social media? How much time in a day does wireless occupy? What...

Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom

Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom     by JOHN W. WHITEHEAD   “Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military.”—Simone Weil, French philosopher John W. Whitehead – We are caught in a vicious cycle of too many laws, too many cops, and too little freedom.  ...


Homebirth: The Opportunity of a Lifetime

Homebirth: The Opportunity of a Lifetime   By Kelly Brogan, MD   kellybroganmd.com     The best of both worlds? The middle path is an appealing notion. We can have the best of both worlds right? This is what reason implores us to listen to. Should we? Well, it depends on what motivates you. What drives you. What you want. I work with women who tell me they want to feel...

How Can “You” Possibly Change The World?

thepulse.one How Can “You” Possibly Change The World?   by Teresa L. DeCicco, PhD Pause - set your Pulse...   Take a breath. Release the tension in your body. Place attention on your physical heart. Breathe slowly into the area for 60 seconds, focusing on feeling a sense of ease. Click here to learn why we suggest this.   It’s been some time since I’ve found the motivation to blog...

Freedom Action Strategies with Cambell (Auto Didactic + Spiral Up) & Lorenzo!

Freedom Action Strategies with Cambell (Auto Didactic + Spiral Up) & Lorenzo! Asking:  What would you do to be Free?     We continue our series on ‘Freedom Action Strategies’ with our Good Friend Cambell from the Auto Didactic Youtube Channel.   Cambell is a life long questioner of reality and has been actively researching the matrix for 20+ years.   Joining Youtube in...


MYTHS WE KNOW AND LOVE by Sherry Swiney in Free Your Mind, Myths Debunked   MYTHS WE KNOW AND LOVE – THE MYTHS OF EVERYTHING, IN SEARCH OF TRUTH We have to admit that we live in a world of contradictions. Scientists say we are just biological machines. Religions say we are sinners and we won’t have any happiness until after we die. We see the myth of cholesterol; the myth of mental illness;...


Israeli Health Ministry: Pfizer Vaccine Killed ‘About 40 Times More Elderly Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed’   By Patrick Delaney March 2, 2021         New analysis from the Israeli Health Ministry concluded Pfizer’s COVID vaccine killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed” during a recent five-week vaccination...

Embodied Spirituality: The Truth Shall Set You Free

Embodied Spirituality: The Truth Shall Set You Free   Published April 6, 2019 By Jack Adam Weber For myself, spirituality means aligning with what is true, or most likely true. This means looking at what is true through the lens of my unique experience and self-reflection (subjectively) and what is true in the world (objectively). Living in accord with what’s true means I have to confront...

Our New Hub:  good people doing good things for good reasons, with community at its heart and love leading the way: encouraging voices of human freedom, working to develop what is fast becoming a true Human Evolution.

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