Time is Money / Eternity is Abundance

Time is Money / Eternity is Abundance

Time is Money / Eternity is Abundance   By Kit Walker   I’m wondering if maybe it’s time to stop conflating money with abundance. I see so many books, workshops, articles out there about how to attract more abundance in your life, and the assumption is...
Attention is a tension

Attention is a tension

Attention is a tension   ~ amrita nadi and the asana   of conscious creation   By Kit Walker   There is so much going on now in the world that is all competing for our attention. Everywhere you look, someone is trying to grab your attention....
The Spigot

The Spigot

  The Spigot     The decline of music culture in the digital age.     Good Citizen @thegoodcitizen · Dumb and silent we are being led, like sheep to the slaughter.     Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. —...
Creating a Better Currency

Creating a Better Currency

How do we do it? Consider Yourself invited to Participate. Comment on this Blog AND/OR send in your contributions to be posted online for all to see and to continue the conversation. Although we do this on our own, and that’s very much part of the equation, for...
Creating Better Communication

Creating Better Communication

How do we do it? Consider Yourself invited to Participate. Comment on this Blog AND/OR send in your contributions to be posted online for all to see and to continue the conversation. Although we do this on our own, and that’s very much part of the equation, for...