by NewNow | Nov 1, 2022 | Open Forum
How do we do it? Consider Yourself invited to Participate. Comment on this Blog AND/OR send in your contributions to be posted online for all to see and to continue the conversation. Not so obviously, we need to do this together, as it seems as...
by The New Agora | Sep 1, 2021 | Shifting Realities, SuperConscious Realities
Am I Brainwashed? – Finding the Real Reality Written by Asa Boxer Combining poem and prose, this essay by Asa Boxer draws on ideas from films, literature, science and philosophy to examine a question of...
by The New Agora | Jul 20, 2021 | Shifting Realities, SuperConscious Realities
The ‘chip’ in the brain, prior to all other chips By Jon Rappoport / Magic spilling over the edges of time, poetry and science Why isn’t every person acting as a shaper and artist of reality? Why do...
by The New Agora | Jul 7, 2021 | Shifting Realities, SuperConscious Realities
It’s the poets who destroy the old order of mechanical consciousness By Jon Rappoport July, 2021 “The greatest sum is no sum at all. It isn’t the addition of facts or numbers. There are mythic qualities...