by 4Freedom | Dec 3, 2020 | The New Now
Through Imagination’s Door A Short Exploration on Imagination. By Lorenzo Imagination, our great gift, our great treasure, our great challenge. I have found that what we imagine and act upon we make real. We can imagine love or we can imagine it’s...
by 4Freedom | Nov 23, 2020 | The New Now
Power Through Challenge What is power and what is challenge? For me, power is the ability to deal with all challenge, and challenge is the way by which power is formed. A full circle so to speak in that, in my experience, where you can’t have one without...
by 4Freedom | Nov 13, 2020 | The New Now
Sweet Fruits of Freedom Or Better than My Best-Part 2 of Infinity By Lorenzo Better than my best is to let go of the rest. Drop them like chewed cores in the ditch. As an apple tastes sweet it’s good to let the seeds drop by my feet so that new branches...
by 4Freedom | Nov 11, 2020 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
My Chat with Simon Haiduk By Lorenzo Creating through the challenges. Fired by the fuel of whatever seems impossible, yet tantalizingly close, on a day where much can feel beyond your control. Art, music, poetry, dance, gardening, shinrin yoku (Japanese...
by 4Freedom | Nov 6, 2020 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
Better than Our Best (A Loving Work in Progress) By Lorenzo What does that mean, to do better than your best? How can you do better than you can do? Interesting, seeming paradox. Where does inspiration beyond your current capabilities come from?...