Encouraging The Evolution of Consciousness. Our Nexus is dedicated to health, truth and above all Freedom!



Disclosure & The Metaverse

www.natureofhealing.org Disclosure & The Metaverse       Since ‘hindsight is 20/20,’ what happened in 2020? In 2020, the new, experimental mRNA injections rolled out as a premeditated response to Coronavirus. What was on the package inserts of the products? Nothing. The inserts were blank. This way, companies could not be held liable for any ill effects following injection. It’s called indemnity, an exemption from penalties....

Why We Use the Search For Love to Escape Ourselves

Why We Use the Search For Love to Escape Ourselves       Aletheia Luna– Let’s be frank here.   Most people want love. The craving for approval and affection from others is embedded into our DNA. There’s probably nothing else on earth (other than the survival instinct) that is as strong and primal as the longing for love. We need to belong. We NEED to feel loved. This is all normal. It’s a wonderfully exciting and ecstatic...

The TD Bank Scandal: Corruption, Fraud, Hypocrisy, and the Fools Who Buy It

  The TD Bank Scandal:   Corruption, Fraud, Hypocrisy,   and the Fools Who Buy It       By: Gary D. Barnett   “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” ~ Henry Ford I am going to break away for just a moment from the murder, slaughter, weather manipulation, famine, floods,...

Don’t Trust the Government

Don’t Trust the Government.   Not with Your Privacy,   Property or Your Freedoms     by John & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute   “In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” —Thomas Jefferson   Public trust in the government to “do what is right” understandably remains at an all-time low.   After all,...

Walking Around the Hound of Hell

Walking Around the Hound of Hell   by Miles Mathis / September 19, 2024   Last week a very important class-action lawsuit was filed against the big-six scientific publishers [ELSEVIER, WOLTERS KLUWER, JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC.,TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, SPRINGER NATURE] for collusion, racketeering, violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, and general malevolence to scientific progress. This lawsuit is...

Wetiko: The Necessity of Facing Evil Within & The Trap of Externalizing All Evil

    Wetiko: The Necessity of Facing Evil Within   & The Trap of Externalizing All Evil       By Bernhard Guenther, August 31, 2024   “The line separating good and evil passes, not through states, not between classes nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart – and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn...

Corporate Frankenstein: A Special Essay by Tracy R. Twyman

Corporate Frankenstein   by Tracy R. Twyman   Long before the advent of modern democratic republics, the world was ruled by priests, kings, and in some cases, priest-kings. To our ancestors in the ancient world, government had a religious ritual significance. It was the Pharaoh of Egypt who literally made the Sun rise and set each day, or so they believed. The Aztecs thought that the human sacrifices performed by the priesthood were...

Time is Money / Eternity is Abundance

Time is Money / Eternity is Abundance   By Kit Walker   I'm wondering if maybe it’s time to stop conflating money with abundance. I see so many books, workshops, articles out there about how to attract more abundance in your life, and the assumption is always there, that this means attracting more money. I guess the idea is, that if you have more money, then you will be able to do whatever you want, and then you’ll be happy.  ...

There Is Nothing to Worry About

  There Is Nothing to Worry About     A plimsoll line runs all around the lower part of the hull of the ship, very clear to see. And it has a very practical purpose, which is simply so that captain and crew do not overload the ship.   You already know what I'm talking about, don't you? Useless, dangerous cargoes. Your life was meant to carry only that which is necessary for a safe voyage and one that arrives where it's...

There Is No such Thing as Legitimate or Moral Government, Rule, or Authority, and There Has Never Been

There Is No such Thing as Legitimate or Moral   Government, Rule, or Authority,   and There Has Never Been       “The way people speak of those in power, calling their commands “laws,” referring to disobedience to them as a “crime,” and so on, implies the right of “government” to rule, and a corresponding obligation on the part of its subjects to obey. Without the right to “rule,” (“authority”) there is no need to call...

Solutocracy – A Way to Govern

  Solutocracy - A Way to Govern     Again, I am offering, with additional thoughts, the content of a video I created. I have been speaking of a solutocracy for a long while and many People have asked Me what a solutocracy is. In this article, I hope to clarify.   First, I want address why I call it “demo(n)cracy.” The “demon” part comes from the fact that if enough People want to take what Others own, They can “vote” to do...

The Occult Tesla Part 11

The Occult Tesla Part 11       Harry Houdini vs the Society for Psychical Research       In the last chapter of the series Occult Tesla, you were introduced to the figure of Sir William Crookes, Tesla mentor, Rosicrucian high priest and popularizer of occultism who rose to the ranks of most powerful scientist of the British Empire when he was elected President of the British Royal Society in 1913.   In that...

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Women and Children Last

Women and Children Last

www.natureofhealing.org   Women and Children Last     By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath     I recently came across Remnant MD, a Renaissance doctor/blogger whose tagline is “Unifying ancestral medical wisdom with modern physiology” He started sharing his insights...

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Time Lines

Time Lines

www.heartstarbooks.com Time Lines       “The great war machines of the world are now massing together. In the Holy Land we see the beginning of the end for earth. Once again Egypt and Israel. Is it not significant? And it shall grow and grow. The greatest battle that has ever been...

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Why an Unhealthy Mind creates an Unhealthy Body

Why an Unhealthy Mind creates an Unhealthy Body

academyofideas.com   Why an Unhealthy Mind creates an Unhealthy Body             The following is a transcript of this video.     “The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant, systematic duplicity. Your health is bound to be...

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Navigating The Space Between Worlds

Navigating The Space Between Worlds

  Navigating The Space Between Worlds     By Joe Martino       ''Mastering the art of being in the world, even when we know it's filled with heavy challenges and chaos.''       Over the last few decades, many have written about our time as a space where...

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Our New Hub:  good people doing good things for good reasons, with community at its heart and love leading the way: encouraging voices of human freedom, working to develop  a true Human Evolution.


Nailing It by Tom MofWooFoo

Nailing It by Tom MofWooFoo

      Nailing It by Tom MofWooFoo     Nailing It   There have been many who attempted to conquer the entire world. Some are still well known today-Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, Tamerlain, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, etc. Today, this same lust for power seems...

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    FORBIDDEN BOOK   by Carol Lewis   Sacred Child:  Living Lessons     “So, tell me.” “Child, what do you want to know?” “Why?”            “Boy, I don’t understand your question.” “Well, something is missing.  I feel it.”  He puts his hands over his heart.  Me and my...

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