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Worlds Collide, New Solutions and Perspectives are Forged in the Furnace of Impeccable Necessity.
The Will to Live or the Will to Die
The Will to Live or the Will to Die by Julian Rose The existential and internal crisis which has engulfed mankind is not a piecemeal affair, it is a crisis reaching into the most central fibers of human existence. At this nucleus point of all our lives lies the will to...
Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic Technologies
Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic Technologies This is an expanded paraphrased transcript of my radio appearance on the Freeman show to discuss The Ark of the Covenant and Civilization. Click on images for further information on a topic. Introduction The past, present, and future...
Frequency of the Flow
Frequency of the Flow by Iam Saums “We exist in a paradigm of singularity.” Singularity Stigmata When we are born, we transition from a universal soul of infinite energy into a human being. Beyond the magic and mystery of childbirth, we overlook the devolution...
The Mask That Out-masks All Masks
The Mask That Out-masks All Masks “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” ~Oscar Wilde If the Self is defined as ‘masks all the way down perceiving delusions all the way up,’ then the mask that out-masks all...
The Great Rewiring of Childhood: A Smartphone-Social Media Dystopia
The Great Rewiring of Childhood: A Smartphone-Social Media Dystopia The following is a transcript of this video. “The Great Rewiring of Childhood, in which the phone-based childhood replaced the play-based childhood, is the major cause of the international epidemic of...
COINCIDENCE? POISONOUS VENOM SIDE EFFECTS NEARLY IDENTICAL TO PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION SIDE EFFECTS AND ADVERSE EVENTS By S.D. Wells Yes, Big Pharma uses deadly venom from poisonous animals to make prescription medications. This has been covered by...
John Coleman: Mastering Math with Vandana
John Coleman: Mastering Math with Vandana "In this interview Vandana Rateria and John Coleman sit down to discuss the recent collaboration of EJ Classes and Apocatastasis Institute, and the innovative way Vandana teaches mathematics using the ancient abacus tool. Training students to...
The Great Law of Peace – Compiled by Candace Hill – Osawuskiskwew
The Great Law of Peace - Compiled by Candace Hill – Osawuskiskwew Kaianeraserakowa THE PEOPLE OF THE FLINT, the Mohawk (Kahniakehake) are the Keepers of the East Gate from the community of Akwesasne. The Kahniakehake are one of the original Five Nations to...
A Soul Laid Flat by Lorenzo
A Soul Laid Flat by Lorenzo Imagine a soul Layed Flat Spread to the Horizon Wide as every Moment Woven threads of Luminous Light A multitude of Hues flickering Each Strand Alive Wriggling, with the full memory of Feelings Experienced in Details long Forgotten No...
Apocatastasis Institute is going to Vegas!… with your help.
Holy guacamole, Apocatastasis Institute is going to Vegas! ... with your help. I have lately been nominated, and won, an award from the EDUCATION 2.0 group for pedagogical leadership. This accolade will be given at their conference in Las Vegas, USA this March ('25)....
John Hawke – Taylor Swift’s Land Acknowledgement
Taylor Swift's Land Acknowledgement By: Johnny Hawke Silly "Indians" always fooled and mesmerized by Whitemans Tricks. This ain't Taylors Land Acknowledgement this Statement is from Roger's Communications Inc where it is likely included in her contract for Roger’s to express its...
John T. Coleman: Fearless Leadership in Education- A Response
John T. Coleman: Fearless Leadership in Education- A Response ``As an alternative-integral and radical in the field of education and philosophy, I respond to John T. Coleman, founder/director of the Apocatastasis Institute for the Humanities, where I am on faculty and direct...