Encouraging The Evolution of Consciousness. Our Nexus is dedicated to health, truth and above all Freedom!
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Worlds Collide, New Solutions and Perspectives are Forged in the Furnace of Impeccable Necessity.
Unleashing the Power of Agorism: A New Way Forward for Economic Freedom
Unleashing the Power of Agorism: A New Way Forward for Economic Freedom By Agorist Nexus As we navigate through these uncertain times, it becomes increasingly clear that traditional institutions and systems have failed us time and again. The global economy is rigged...
The Jacob’s Ladder of the Soul
The Jacob’s Ladder of the Soul “We, half dust, half deity.” ~Lord Byron By Gary Z. McGee The bridge to the Overman is the Jacob’s Ladder of the Soul. We are all of us, individually, God perceiving itself. As Alan Watts said, “You are something that the whole...
The Mysterious Human Heart
The Mysterious Human Heart New evidence suggests the heart is not a pump Greg Reese Rudolf Steiner, whose teachings led to anthroposophical medicine, biodynamic farming, and the Waldorf school, said that the heart is a seven-sided regular form that sits in an imaginary box in...
Mimicry and Revelation: How State Efforts to Mimic The Free Market
Mimicry and Revelation: How State Efforts to Mimic The Free Market Unintentionally Champion Agorist Principles by Free Market Militia Introduction In a world increasingly disillusioned with the overreach of state mechanisms, the philosophy of...
The Solstice Shift
The Solstice Shift “Transcendence is ascension into universality.” Advent of a New Era Twelve years ago, a universal energetic shift began during the four days of the Winter Solstice, empowering us into a new era of being. As human evolution in a critical mass often...
Trickster Archetype: The Ultimate Ego Leveling Mechanism
Trickster Archetype: The Ultimate Ego Leveling Mechanism By Gary Z. McGee “The trickster is the unconscious judging the judgments of the ego. The trickster pokes holes through the ego’s inflation. The trickster tells the dreamer to include irrationality in...
Your Best Self
Your Best Self by Mark Carter (Ascension Intention blog) Can you feel the highest version of yourself and sense supercharged, expansive perceptions? I posit that's our natural state of being. Yet we somehow, sometimes find ourselves within a denser, darker energy...
Walking into the “Big Boys Club”
Walking into the “Big Boys Club” in Ottawa April 23, 2013 By Candace Hill “What is Big is small, what is small is BIG” I have never shared my story publicly of the events that played out while in Ottawa. I had hoped to meet with the Minister of Health, which...
The Law of Water : The Doctrine of Deception
The Law of Water : The Doctrine of Deception Introduction: The Law of the Land of Turtle Island As the Original Peoples of the so called America’s our Constitutions are founded on our ancestral knowledge of our Creation as a People which extends to our Mother’s as Life...
Cosmic Cleansing
Mark Carter's - Ascension Intention-From Shadow to Light! Cosmic Cleansing Greetings, readers! If you're at all like me, you may have been noticing a recent acceleration and intensification of Energy/Light waves in your body, accompanied by greater...
Digging out after the Rapture
Digging out after the Rapture ''From the rapture to solar eclipses, better grab that shovel and dig deep for the truth. I would say, don't trust any but self and recall the best of all ways is to be Autodidactic!'' Alright, lots to explore,...
HELP QUIET BEAR BEAT CANCER! We are asking for help for Michael Gibbons, whose spiritual shamanic name is QuietBear. QuietBear has been in service to humanity and Mother Earth all of his life. By the time he was eighteen, he had saved four lives, served as a volunteer Fireman,...