by 4Freedom | Nov 14, 2022 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Extraordinary Beings and Converging Timelines with Harald Kautz What can you possibly understand by seeing outside your ‘box’? Questioning our reality is something few take seriously. And yet, to know is to know we don’t know. Old perspectives must die...
by The New Agora | Nov 13, 2022 | Positively Plants, The Hub
What is your Centerpiece? Eat as if your life depends on it, because it does. By Beth Perera©, PositivelyPlants We are already half way through November, unbelievably, so it’s time to start planning for holiday get togethers. When we plan...
by The New Agora | Nov 12, 2022 | Autodidactic, The Hub
Are you building your Future? We all have dreams, goals and aspirations, in short we all want something better…something more. It is of course normal to want more and part of the growth process but the question is… what are you doing? To...
by 4Freedom | Nov 8, 2022 | Open Forum, The Creations of Matthew Smith
“What is community and how do we build a better one?” ”Community: It is a word that gets used all of the time, often without pausing to consider what it really means. Lorenzo posed this question to me for an impromptu conversation about...
by 4Freedom | Nov 7, 2022 | Autodidactic, Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
‘Communicate Your Freedom’ -Find Life’s Lost Purpose- with Iam Saums, Cambell(Autodidactic) and Lorenzo(The New Now) Join us today and Cambell (Autodidactic) and Lorenzo (The New Now)...
by 4Freedom | Nov 4, 2022 | Autodidactic, The Hub
How’s your mask? We are all wearing a mask. Yes even you, in fact the voice saying ‘I don’t have a mask’ is one of your masks. Masks are constructed in the subconscious so we don’t always see them. To start to recognize your masks take time to notice how you...
by The New Agora | Nov 2, 2022 | The Creations of Matthew Smith, The Hub
“I recently heard a quote that struck a chord with me: “The truth must be spoken.” For the past several years I have been closely following the ever expanding debate around the mystery old world architecture. Thoroughly captivated, I...
by 4Freedom | Oct 30, 2022 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Dead-Ending the New Age with Tony Sayers and Lorenzo Have we been dupe by smiling faces and easy sounding answers? Is what you’ve been doing been enough to get you to where you wish to be in life? Do the so-called ‘teachers of the new age’ help or hinder...
by NewNow | Oct 27, 2022 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Abstract Follies by Fredalupe – Agorizmo – Spoken Word Video by Lorenzo Where Elect to Govern Yourself meets Truth is Our Currency Abstract Follies ”The more I witness the strangeness of these abstract follies called politics,...