Encouraging The Evolution of Consciousness. Our Nexus is dedicated to health, truth and above all Freedom!



One Great Dream of a Single Dreamer

  www.awakeninthedream.com One Great Dream of a Single Dreamer   By Paul Levy   The Buddha, which literally means “the awakened one,” said “My form appeared like a dream to sentient beings who are like a dream. I taught them dreamlike teaching to attain dreamlike enlightenment.” When we begin to awaken to the dreamlike nature of reality, we realize we are all characters in each other’s dream. Like reflections in a mirror, we are...

Harald Kautz on Healing Your Health from All Invasive Challenges.

    A Transcript from an Important Chat with Harald Kautz on Healing Your Health from All Invasive Challenges.   [00:18.425] <|SPEAKER_00|>: Hello, everyone. Welcome again to The New Now. I am super duper delighted to have Harold Kotz back with us, chatting on healing protocols, bioweapons, and how perhaps you can move beyond and heal yourself through those challenges. Harold, hello. Good morning in Japan. Good night in...

The Abolition of Mental Sovereignty

The Abolition of Mental Sovereignty   By Lindsey Scharmyn Analog, concentric, electric, wisdom     Your mind, the thoughts that emanate from it, the space inside your head – it is yours. If nowhere else in this existence, that is where you are sovereign. No one has ever been able to force someone to think or believe a certain way. Indoctrinators throughout history have tried and they have failed to create a perfect system of mind...

Spiritual Exercise – Do Not Be Disturbed

Spiritual Exercise - Do Not Be Disturbed   By Vernon Howard     Someday people who don't want truth are going to run out of their candles, and do you know, every candle holder knows - listen to this, it's incredibly deep but listen. Every candle holder knows that little flickering light will one day go out!   That is, they know that their sick life, their unspiritual life, will one day no longer be their friend. It will go...

“Invasion of the Body Snatchers” Comes to Life

www.awakeninthedream.com   "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" Comes to Life   by Paul Levy   Though I am no historian, I feel confident in saying that we are living through the strangest time in all of human history. Jung writes, “That the unconscious has come up and taken possession of the conscious personality is a peculiarity of our time.”[1] The unconscious is the source of our dreams; it is more and more as if our species is...

Dreams, Hyperspace, and Levitation

Dreams, Hyperspace, and Levitation By Michael Grosso   Dreams are an important key to the mysteries of our mental life. We spend about a third of our lives sleeping and dreaming.  A third of our existence is an altered state of consciousness. We cycle back and forth between the different worlds of dream and waking. Humans are metaphysical amphibians.What’s going on here? We underrate the dream portion of our existence. Dreams have shaped...

Psychedelics Don’t Create Hallucinations, They Are Portals to Another Realm

    Psychedelics Don't Create Hallucinations, They Are Portals to Another Realm     Andrew M. Weisse   Welcome to The Psychedelic Blog. I write about the Impact of Psychedelics on Grieving, Relationships, Culture, and Death. This week, I’m debunking the notion that Psychedelic experiences are merely hallucinations. They’re not. They’re portals to another realm. Let’s dive in.   “Life is infinitely stranger than anything...

The Power to Gather OUR Intelligent Resources

The Power to Gather OUR Intelligent Resources     Saying and doing are about as far apart as watching the pretty girl or handsome guy on tv get kissed, or doing the kissing. Words are easy, words are wind, it is in the actions we see, we get what we send.   Of course, many may enjoy the cerebral games of thought, played internally with self, giving the answers as only your past can see them, in that, anything you can think of,...

Most Everything is Faked-It’s All a Lie by Makie Freeman

Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing....

Rene Guenon, Antichrist, & the Digital Deception

Rene Guenon, Antichrist, & the Digital Deception   By Jim Brandon From New Dawn 199 (Jul-Aug 2023) It is in the work of a French-born writer on philosophy and Eastern religions that we find a truly panoramic overview of the deep-running problems that are coming to a head today. Rene Guenon (1886-1945) was a French metaphysician, writer, and editor responsible for laying the metaphysical groundwork for the Traditionalist or Perennialist...

Spiritual Emergence

  Spiritual Emergence   By Paul Levy   In 1981 I was sitting in meditation when, just for an instant, a bolt of lightning flashed through my mind. I began acting so unlike my normal self that a friend brought me to a hospital, afraid I was going crazy. Though I was let out of that hospital after three days, the experiences that began to unfold were so overwhelming that I was hospitalized a number of other times during that first...

Normal Unfreedoms by Kingsley L. Dennis

Normal Unfreedoms   ‘Fear is the deadliest assassin; it does not kill, but it keeps you from living.’ Popular Saying The Universal Declaration of Human Rights contains thirty articles. Nine of those articles directly state the word ‘freedom.’ We therefore expect that a range of freedoms are our basic human rights. We consider ourselves as ‘free’ and independent individuals. And ever since the rise of complex societies we’ve been trying our...

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Wising Up to Alien Interference

Wising Up to Alien Interference

Wising Up to Alien Interference     By Tom Montalk     This Q&A is a paraphrased transcript of three radio interviews I did with Sienna Lea on her show Illuminating the Shadowland. The original audio interviews are also posted on YouTube.   The public perception of the...

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10 Signs You May Be a Meta Male

10 Signs You May Be a Meta Male

10 Signs You May Be a Meta Male     By Gary. Z. McGee     “Only a few know, how much one must know to know how little one knows.” ~Werner Heisenberg   The concept of “Meta male” isn't a term with a widely accepted or standardized definition in social or psychological...

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The Internet is Killing Your Brain

The Internet is Killing Your Brain

The Internet is Killing Your Brain   & Creativity Will We Succumb   to the Mindless Tech-Matrix?   by GREG MOFFITT In our industrialised societies of 24/7 connectivity and e-Everything, almost every aspect of daily life is mediated by some form of technology. The worlds of work,...

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Our New Hub:  good people doing good things for good reasons, with community at its heart and love leading the way: encouraging voices of human freedom, working to develop  a true Human Evolution.


The Shadows of Ascension

The Shadows of Ascension

    The Shadows of Ascension   What 'Shows' Your Way!     My Interview on L.A. Marzulli's Channel - Lorenzo         Sorry to put my tongue 'between my cheeks' here....as in, well, a rhetorical question at best, in that, who can even say what's honest or...

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Divine Flow or Human Control?

Divine Flow or Human Control?

Mark Carter's - Ascension Intention-From Shadow to Light!     Divine Flow or Human Control?     As more Cosmic Light energizes Planet Earth via solar changes, revealing previously obscured realities, we each have a choice to make. We can continue to cling to past patterns that...

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Lost and feeling Directionless?

Lost and feeling Directionless?

Are you lost and feeling directionless?     Does this place seem 'too much' like Hell?         Connect back to your Knowing!     Help Instill Paradise on Earth!     Regain Trust in Your Process!         LIVE uncut flower...

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Ancestors Guiding My Way

Ancestors Guiding My Way

Ancestors Guiding My Way     By Candace Hill     ''I believe very strongly many of us have been preparing for this time in history our whole lives.''   My late elder Wolverine used to always say, “You have to be ready there is something coming” and my late elder Light...

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Have You Lost Your Way?

Have You Lost Your Way?

Have You Lost Your Way...     ...Disconnected from Source and Your heart?       Try these for 'scalar assistance' in re-tuning life's direction back to source and heart!!!!     LIVE uncut flower frequencies in pure water     Preserved with a small...

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