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Worlds Collide, New Solutions and Perspectives are Forged in the Furnace of Impeccable Necessity.
The Existential Paradox
The Existential Paradox By Gary Z. McGee “The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.” ~Epicurus The existential paradox, in essence, is the tension between the human search for meaning and the apparent meaninglessness of the universe. Humans inherently seek...
Hyperreality, Synchromysticism & Simulation
Hyperreality, Synchromysticism & Simulation By Ethan Nash We are the first digital inhabitants of a universe of pure symbolic media exchange, living in an empty space of virtuality, where subjectivity and objective truth have intertwined together. At the core of this collective...
Hyperreality (or what not there isn’t to believe?) by Dennis L. Kingsley
Hyperreality (or what not there isn’t to believe?) By Dennis L. Kingsley ‘The attraction of the void is irresistible.’ Jean Baudrillard If you feel like you are unsure of what is real and what is unreal then you are not alone. Our materialistic mode of life is accelerating...
The Rise of the Immortal Dictator: What Will AI Mean for Freedom and Government?
The Rise of the Immortal Dictator: What Will AI Mean for Freedom and Government? John & Nisha Whitehead “If one company or small group of people manages to develop godlike digital superintelligence, they could take over the world. At least when there’s an evil dictator, that human is...
Diamond Dust in the Sky
Diamond Dust in the Sky Anything that has a long lasting effect and hurts people is geoengineering. – Jim Lee, Climateviewer,com Weather Warfare The geoengineering scheme, known as stratospheric aerosol injection, commonly called, Chem Trails, continues its goal to limit...
God Reborn: Redefining God as The Infinite Interconnectedness of All Things
God Reborn: Redefining God as The Infinite Interconnectedness of All Things “We are all mothers of God, for God is always needing to be reborn.” ~Meister Eckhart In the spirit of rebirth, it is our responsibility as evolved, and evolving, humans to remain diligent with...
Apoc Research, Discouraged Boys, & Ponzi Schemes
Apoc Research, Discouraged Boys & Ponzi Schemes In this recording John Coleman highlights the cutting-edge research Apocatastasis Institute staff and series hosts are involved in; also, he covers the discouragement of boys in school, and the ponzi scheme which are private...
Whose Jurisdiction is First Nations Child Welfare really under?
Whose Jurisdiction is First Nations Child Welfare really under? By Johnny Hawke In 2016, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled that Canada discriminated against First Nations children by underfunding on-reserve child and family services and ignoring Jordan’s Principle. In...
Ruminations on “Intelligent Healing” and the Role of Psychedelics
Ruminations on "Intelligent Healing" and the Role of Psychedelics by Stephen Gray Intelligent healing? An odd pairing perhaps. It begs the question of what needs to be healed and what would make that healing intelligent? I'll start with the question of healing and circle back...
“The Bigg’un: Vegas, Fundraising, & THE PROJECT”
"The Bigg'un: Vegas, Fundraising & THE PROJECT" "In this call to action John Coleman restates the Vegas education conference opportunity, the state of fundraising for it, and he announces the beginning of a publication project which will both help you support the...
A People Plucky & Pious: Meeting The Old Believers.
A People Plucky & Pious: Meeting The Old Believers. "Dressed in their national clothing, featuring distinctive shawls for the women and giant beards for the men, these Russian Christians have clung to their old rituals and devotions through thick and thin. The...
FORBIDDEN BOOK by Carol Lewis Sacred Child: Living Lessons “So, tell me.” “Child, what do you want to know?” “Why?” “Boy, I don’t understand your question.” “Well, something is missing. I feel it.” He puts his hands over his heart. Me and my...