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Worlds Collide, New Solutions and Perspectives are Forged in the Furnace of Impeccable Necessity.
When Deepest, Cherished Beliefs Come Tumbling Down
When Deepest, Cherished Beliefs Come Tumbling Down Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 4: By Bronte Baxter A person determined to examine their programming and figure out the truth about the world is an adventurer. Like explorations in the physical world,...
The Will to Humor: Prestige in The Face of Power
The Will to Humor: Prestige in The Face of Power By Gary Z. McGee “The law of levity is allowed to supersede the law of gravity.” ~R.A. Lafferty The will to humor is the only thing more powerful than the will to power. Those practicing the will to humor...
Flight of the Black Thunderbird
Flight of the Black Thunderbird By Gary Z. McGee “When you see your matter going black, rejoice, for this is the beginning of the work.” ~Rosarium Philosophorum The four thunderbirds symbolize the four cardinal directions of the medicine wheel. And although...
Rewriting the Script of Life
Rewriting the Script of Life By Julian Rose This is a good moment to think big. Big things are happening on the world stage – but most only involve a change of emphasis, a reordering of the standard power play conducted within the deep state’s global field of...
Operation Soul Disconnection by Roseanne Lindsay
www.natureofhealing.org Operation Soul Disconnection By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be...
John T. Coleman: Fearless Leadership in Education- A Response
John T. Coleman: Fearless Leadership in Education- A Response ``As an alternative-integral and radical in the field of education and philosophy, I respond to John T. Coleman, founder/director of the Apocatastasis Institute for the Humanities, where I am on faculty and direct...
Sex, Truth, and Masculinity
Sex, Truth, and Masculinity By Robert Cinque The secret to authentic masculine power is hidden in sex. I’m not talking about sexual intercourse or about how to give her an orgasm. I’m talking about the fact that this universe is 100% electromagnetic and that electricity is the...
Your Body Craves Earth’s Natural Electrical Waves:
Your Body Craves Earth’s Natural Electrical Waves: the Dilemma of Enjoying Normal Good Health in a Wireless Age By Liala Ackerman, Advanced Health Technologies, Toronto, Canada www.vibrancywater.ca Scientific and medical studies have firmly...
Do Demons Dance in Your Mind
Do Demons Dance (In Your Mind)? By Lorenzo How can you tell when it's you in charge or something else has life by your 'short hairs'? Imagine a lantern held in front of you in the darkness. An arms length away, shedding what light it can in the dungeon of lost turns and foul...
Universal Magi by Fredalupe! – Spoken Word Video
Universal Magi by Fredalupe! - Spoken Word Video by Lorenzo - Inspiration, for all its universality, is a particular affair. Long have I wondered at its presence, almost as long as I have at its absence, be it on a white page, a blank regard, or a heart empty of recognition to the...
How to Embrace Being a Lone Wolf and Walk Your OWN Path
How to Embrace Being a Lone Wolf and Walk Your OWN Path by Mateo Sol If there is any advice I would universally give to every person, regardless of who they are, it is this: walk your own path. Walk your own damn path. Don’t walk someone else’s path. Don’t walk the path your parents...