Utopia Cornucopia is what the world would look like if every city and village is reinvented collaboratively and autonomously with horizontal structures of governing/organizing.

Mofwoofoo (nickname) retired in 2000 and since then has been following and manifesting his dreams. He founded and funded a mostly Latino, artist eco-community in Vilcabamba, Ecuador in 2012 (chambalabamba.org). He has been a long-time radical anarchist activist working in the past from San Francisco. Was an entrepreneur and painter, and continues to be a producer, writer, activist, and visionary. Even though he is older (77), he seems “forever young” with good health. He is full of cutting edge ideas, strategies, and creativity. Out of his many interests and projects, his overarching focus is on doing what he can to block the totalitarian takeover which seems to be in process and helping Chambalabamba evolve into a very happy model of how to live with others based on a foundation of unconditional love and connection. 

Horizontal Government:

The conscious Solution


Activism: The strategy now is to inform as many people as possible, primarily in Ecuador, but also world-wide, with these 2 videos, how it is necessary to restructure all governments from vertical to horizontal (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8) as a means to end the control by the corrupters (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilxI6Dgoy8). People can help by sending out these 2 videos.

Words to the Wise – Calls To Action

We Are All Controlled by the most Virulent Lost Souls in A World of Lost Souls

We Are All Controlled by the most Virulent Lost Souls   in A World of Lost Souls     By MofWooFoo     This is opinion We live in a world of lost souls, the worst are controlling humanity for centuries. There are also many beautiful people and it is all a matter of degree.     They keep us divided and lost by propagandizing us with lies and false information....

Do You Have Personal Integrity or Are You Self-Deluded?

    Do You Have Personal Integrity or Are You Self-Deluded?   by Tom (MofWooFoo)   Some say that the outer is a reflection of what is inside. There are mainly 2 threads that run throughout history. The same two threads that run inside each individual, that is, the conflict between coming from the ego, in the sense that the ego only does things for some kind of personal reward...

One Fine Day by Tom MofWooFoo

  One Fine Day   The sun stood still for a moment just above the edge of the mountain line, shining through the trees, as if to say goodbye, until we meet again...we did it, another day done, done well, well done, good night. and then slid out of sight, leaving luminous clouds, elegantly colored, their hue subtly changing second by second. The passing days are like passing thoughts,...

Nailing It by Tom MofWooFoo

      Nailing It by Tom MofWooFoo     Nailing It   There have been many who attempted to conquer the entire world. Some are still well known today-Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, Tamerlain, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, etc. Today, this same lust for power seems to exist amongst those who have unfathomable amounts of money. The more money one has, the more...

How Much Do You Care? or How Are You Conducting Your Life?

  How Much Do You Care?     or How Are You Conducting Your Life?     by MofWooFoo       Love is such a huge subject, let's just say it's about caring. Which brings us to the question of How Are You Conducting Your Life? When I was young I got the idea that the doorway to illumination was through the heart. And although I believe that it is foolish to...

The King is Naked, The King is Naked, Dammit, the King is Naked! by Mofwoofoo

  The King is Naked, The King is Naked,   Dammit, the King is Naked!   by Mofwoofoo   Almost since the beginning of the pandemic scare I have felt like the little boy who kept shouting "The king is naked" from the Hans Christian Anderson story. It is like the adults are not seeing the obvious. For example, the silly lie of the neo-liberals about the "insurrection" about the...

The Future is Up For Grabs by Tom (Mofwoofoo)

The Future is Up For Grabs by Tom (Mofwoofoo)     No one has ultimate control over what is currently happening in the world. There are powerful forces, the unipolarists (US, CIA, WEF, the nazi/eugenicists*, etc.) and the pluripolarists (Russia, China). And always there is that aspect that no one controls: chance, surprise, or luck. However, let's not forget, the people, the activists,...

Can You Please Point Me to the Door Out of Here?

  Can You Please Point Me to the Door Out of Here?     by MofWooFoo     Imagine that there is an entity, God. Wait, this is not going to be religious at all. I only say to imagine God only for the sake of this discussion, its not important here whether there is one or not, that would be outside of this discussion. Then assuming this, what is God's intention for creating...

Are you awake? What is “awake”?

  Are you awake? What is "awake"?     by Tom - MofWooFoo     Did you ever think that there is no one who knows anything for sure? It can seem for sure, but one must always be open to the possibility of delusion and that it is seemingly impossible to have all the facts, with the emphasis on "all".. This might be the first real step to "waking up''. When you realize that...

Can You Please Point Me to the Door Out of Here? by Mofwoofoo

  Can You Please Point Me to the Door Out of Here?     by Mofwoofoo   Imagine that there is an entity, God. Wait, this is not going to be religious at all. I only say to imagine God only for the sake of this discussion, its not important here whether there is one or not, that would be outside of this discussion. Then assuming this, what is God's intention for creating us and...

Time to Get Real by Tom MofWooFoo

Time to Get Real by Tom MofWooFoo     The problem is that not enough people are dying compared to the number of people being born. This is a problem especially for eugenicists (nazis) (https://historycollection.com/10-famous-companies.../10/). They believe that the solution to the world's problems is to reduce the population. They are alarmed that in their opinion most people being...

Call Out Crimes Against Humanity and Collusion

      Call Out Crimes Against Humanity and Collusion   by Tom (MofWooFoo)     Let’s imagine that there is an explanation for everything. Now that it is clear that the “vaccines” were both ineffective and dangerous, and contain dubious elements like self-assembling nano machines and other nefarious elements, that hospitals were paid extra to blame deaths on cover 19...
Chambalabamba Community keeps evolving and improving. We hope to make this community an authentic model for the world. We want to do retreats here, and continue with amazing projects.