by 4Freedom | Feb 3, 2022 | Autodidactic, Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Freedom or Façade Real destiny or illusion’s lost cause. Let’s say, we take stock of ourselves and our surroundings, inside and out allowing for full love and honesty. The clean, the dirty, the happy and the sad. Making sure to go deep inside and find our...
by 4Freedom | Jan 27, 2022 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Healing Through Challenging Times If you wish to feel strong to face what’s coming, well, I would say being healthy is the only way to go. Problems bring challenge and challenge can ‘force’ even the laziest of us to get off their arse and do something...
by 4Freedom | Jan 16, 2022 | Autodidactic, Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Also Now on Odysee Sobriety and Clear Choice We have all experienced stress, at one point or another, in our lives. From the physical to the mental, the emotional, financial and perhaps the most painful, the existential. Why are we here? What...
by The New Agora | Jan 5, 2022 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
Except Now on Odysee Harald Kautz – Bio Weapons and Healing Protocols By Lorenzo from The New Now Harald Kautz is one of the first and few interdisciplinary scientists who showed that it is possible to back engineer the classified...
by 4Freedom | Dec 21, 2021 | Autodidactic, Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
Episode 4.5 of The Odyssey of Truth What is truth? An interesting question with many potential ‘avenues’ of exploration. Perhaps even endless, as my truth changes as I do. Funny in that change, changes me, which in turn, changes my truth. Truth is...
by The New Agora | Nov 11, 2021 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
—— To Transform Listening. Changing how we hear things. Maybe a clearer way of understanding this is simply ‘learning to listen’. One of the hardest skills I’ve ever had to master is the skill of listening to others, striving to listen, to...
by 4Freedom | Nov 6, 2021 | Autodidactic, Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
The Odyssey of Truth By Lorenzo ‘The Journey Back to Yourself’ begins when you say it does. Perhaps, like us, you have come to the conclusion that something, even many things, are way off in this life that most of us live in? A society, a culture of...
by 4Freedom | Sep 29, 2021 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
Imagine Freedom with Max Igan & Lorenzo! ——- & Imagine Freedom… More than a happy place. A life lived outside of any bars that may cage you in. Where there are no rules and only intelligence reigns supreme. Imagine...
by 4Freedom | Sep 10, 2021 | Autodidactic, Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
Truth In Action with Cambell from Auto Didactic & Lorenzo from The New Now & Live Your Truth. Sounds so nice doesn’t it? Sounds almost simple. ‘A baby can do that’, I hear myself thinking. I guess to be bold about it one could...