by 4Freedom | Jan 27, 2021 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
I love Being Free By Lorenzo! I love being free. What else needs be said? Except, I guess, possibly the story that gets you there. Unique for each of us and deep in potential, the challenges can range from the sublime to the dangerous. Creating art and...
by 4Freedom | Jan 14, 2021 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
Freedom’s Great Effort By Lorenzo! The more out of your ‘comfort zone’ you are aiming for, naturally, the harder and more difficult the challenge necessary to, perhaps, see the results you are intending. Now imagine, you are attempting to create something for...
by 4Freedom | Dec 20, 2020 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
The Beauty of Challenge By Lorenzo! This lovely Video on Challenge is, as many of my videos are, a continuation on the same theme of Freedom. I guess you could say that it’s part two of the ‘flushing for freedom’ video that came out before. After all, who...
by 4Freedom | Dec 6, 2020 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
One Man’s Freedom. By Lorenzo The New NOW Magazine. Jack Etkin from Citizen’s Forum interviews The New Now’s Lorenzo. On Freedom, Anarchy, Benevolent Dictators, Challenges with Democracy ( As Larken Rose once called it ‘Mob Rule’)...
by 4Freedom | Nov 11, 2020 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
My Chat with Simon Haiduk By Lorenzo Creating through the challenges. Fired by the fuel of whatever seems impossible, yet tantalizingly close, on a day where much can feel beyond your control. Art, music, poetry, dance, gardening, shinrin yoku (Japanese...
by 4Freedom | Nov 6, 2020 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
Better than Our Best (A Loving Work in Progress) By Lorenzo What does that mean, to do better than your best? How can you do better than you can do? Interesting, seeming paradox. Where does inspiration beyond your current capabilities come from?...
by 4Freedom | Oct 22, 2020 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
Freedom is Always Calling. By Lorenzo Life has a way of taking care of us. Or so I have found. No matter how difficult our circumstances may seem at the moment. No matter how depressing. No matter how unending those stressful problems may seem, I...
by 4Freedom | Oct 16, 2020 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
Now is always the time. By Lorenzo Now is always the time for change. Thoughts can be few or many. Some can seem insurmountable, others sad for considering and ending to a situation that has persisted for a long while. But they are only that, thoughts, and...
by 4Freedom | Oct 7, 2020 | Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub, The New Now
On Becoming Free. By Lorenzo Becoming Free, for me was the walk away from who I used to be. Back towards the carefree child I still remember close to my heart, who became the so-called ‘man of fears’ as I grew older in my...