Encouraging The Evolution of Consciousness, our Online Nexus is dedicated to health, truth and above all Freedom!
Humorous Fallibilism
Humorous Fallibilism “I’m not trying to be wise, that would be foolish.” ~Mary Oliver Humorous fallibilism, what a delightful little paradox to chew on. It tastes like one might imagine an Everlasting Gobstopper tasting. Fruity with a hint of...
Shifting With Universality
Shifting With Universality “Oblivion is a delusion of an illusion.” Water is Life Over sixty percent of our bodies contain water. Our software comprises more, while our hardware less. Beyond our necessity for hydrogen and oxygen, there is an essential...
Freedom and the Splitting of Humanity
Freedom and the Splitting of Humanity Seeking freedom and sovereignty only externally is futile as long as we have not learned to self-govern and self-rule. And this is the hardest part of the work for the resistance of our...
26 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Endocannabinoid System
Boost Your Endocannabinoid System 26 Ways “The endogenous cannabinoid system, named after the plant that led to its discovery, is perhaps the most important physiologic system involved in establishing and maintaining human health.” — Dr. Dustin Sulak It’s...
How to Think Like a Man of Action and Act Like a Man of Thought
How to Think Like a Man of Action and Act Like a Man of Thought “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.” ~Henri Bergson In a world where people believe more than they think and think they know more than they believe,...
Your Vital Role in the Decorporatisation of the Food Chain
Your Vital Role in the Decorporatisation of the Food Chain By Julian Rose I am starting this article with information that will make you aware of the provenance for around 90% of all foods that you purchase while shopping at leading super and...
“A” Solution for the Masses Does not Exist: Perceived Reality Is in Fact Only Theatre
“A” Solution for the Masses Does not Exist: Perceived Reality Is in Fact Only Theater By Gary D Barnett, 2022 This subject is vitally important to understand, and few understand it. The talk of, and the incessant questions received by readers, all...
What Can ‘You’ Control?
What Can ‘You’ Control? By Tom Bunzel “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will". -Epictetus This is one of my favorite reminders to reduce stress. But it brings up the...
FEAR FACTOR: The Tyranny Of Modern Scientism – By Richard Gale & Dr. Gary Null
FEAR FACTOR: The Tyranny Of Modern Scientism – By Richard Gale & Dr. Gary Null Source – lewrockwell.com “…If anyone doubts that the Inquisition was only a dark anomaly in western history when the Church and superstitions reigned, and...
Aleister Crowley & UFOs: Did Occultists Open an Interdimensional Portal?
Aleister Crowley & UFOs: Did Occultists Open An Interdimensional Portal? Five years ago, in 2017, the New York Times broke the story on a black-budget Pentagon program tasked with investigating UFOs. Since then, a steady stream of...
Musicalizing Existence – the Scalar Musician -II. the Sacred Anatomy of Creation
Musicalizing Existence – the Scalar Musician Kit Walker Music a 5th Density Approach to the Study and Practice of Music kitwalkermusic.wordpress.com II. the Sacred Anatomy of Creation the Body is the Instrument The first change of perspective that we...
Is 2025 to be the Year that Billionaires, Bandits and the Blind Rule the Earth?
Is 2025 to be the Year that Billionaires, Bandits and the Blind Rule the Earth? By Julian Rose In an age of gross materialism the grossest materialists are set to grab the helm and steer the world according to the view they see from...
Our New Hub: good people doing good things for good reasons, with community at its heart and love leading the way: encouraging voices of human freedom, working to develop what is fast becoming a true Human Evolution.
One Year, Two Freakouts: Notes From The Trenches Of Educational Restoration
One Year, Two Freakouts: Notes From The Trenches Of Educational Restoration By John Coleman You’d never have me for a P.R. man. Once I taught at another school, St. Esau’s Academy. Those years were the subject of my latest book, An...
Pearls Before Swine: Where Pedagogy, Naturism, & Fantasy Collide
Pearls Before Swine: Where Pedagogy, Naturism, & Fantasy Collide “Shhhh, I’ve a secret for you. Nudism in the classroom is a concept meant to draw out everyone’s social and personal baggage. In this one topic is a world. As I’ve...
Wab Kinew cosigns on Colonization
Wab Kinew cosigns on Colonization by Johnny Hawke Your Indigenous Role Model, Premier Wab Kinew on Jan 15, 2025 acknowledged the Provinces have Allodial Title to all the Lands and Resources while sitting with the Prime Minister and other Premiers in...
Coming To Terms: Starting Our Nudist School Journey
Starting Our Nudist School Journey Let us come to terms upon starting out. Yes, without the slightest stutter or whisper or blush, I advocate that families ought to ease themselves into clothes-free living; that this will form deep bonds...
Defenders of the Land
Defenders of the Land By Sandra Bruderer · Dac, Splitting the Sky John Boncore Hill, worked relentlessly to get this video out to the media to show the world who we were and to prevent an imminent slaughter as the RCMP and Military mounted an...
Nudism, Education, & The High Trust Society
Nudism, Education, & The High Trust Society It's time to get physically, emotionally, and spiritually nude! In this reading from Pearls Before Swine: Nudism, Education, & The High Trust Society author John Coleman challenges us doff all the...
Sex, Truth, and Masculinity Part III
Sex, Truth, and Masculinity Part III This essay gets personal. My intention is to show the great value of moving from labels for ourselves and each other to living from the essence that we all share. I want my experience to be a window that you can look...
The Donaldiad: What Really Happened When Trump Down Wot Escalator (teaser)
The Donaldiad: What Really Happened When Trump Down Wot Escalator (teaser) Description - In this teaser poem you will learn something of what REALLY happened when Donald J. Trump, the once and future president of the UNITED STATES...
Sex, Truth, and Masculinity Part II
Sex, Truth, and Masculinity Part II By Robert Cinque Read Part I here, Before time and space there was Truth and Beauty. Truth says, I love you so much. You are perfect just as you are. Don’t change a thing. Beauty says I love you, too, and...
A Maiden Show This Maiden Day
A Maiden Show This Maiden Day Happy New Year! As we start 2025, we are excited to announce our new daily humanities show, A Pakistani Stacy. Get caught up on all of the goings on at our Institute as we start a new semester - And learn about this series'...
Apoc’s 2024 Christmas Spectacular
Apoc's 2024 Christmas Spectacular Happy holidays! Catch our Christmas 2024 message with some holiday music as we wind down another semester. Thanks to our students, staff, donors, show guests, and event attendees for helping to recover the magic...
Apoc Research, Discouraged Boys, & Ponzi Schemes
Apoc Research, Discouraged Boys & Ponzi Schemes In this recording John Coleman highlights the cutting-edge research Apocatastasis Institute staff and series hosts are involved in; also, he covers the discouragement of boys in school, and the...