By Fredalupe!

Editor of The New Agora

(Collected Print Editorials 2011-2019)

Mirificent Times!

Mirificent Times!

Mirificent Times! By Fredalupe! Editor of The New Agora I originally titled this "Seize The Day!  But Maybe Get off Your Knees First."  Yet however accurate those instructions might be not all of us are buying into this latest onslaught of media driven hysteria, this...

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Nine Years  By Lorenzo & Fredalupe!

Nine Years By Lorenzo & Fredalupe!

Nine Years By Lorenzo & Fredalupe!   “There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.” - Louis L'Amour   And so here we are again, Reader, Writer, with magic swirling in between, as our nine-year journey is coming...

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Nocturnal Remissions

Nocturnal Remissions By Fredalupe! As below so above, folks. What we do unto others we will have done unto us. That which we have sown we must by definition reap. What we have cultivated or allowed to be cultivated from or into, what we do becomes who we are....

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To Think The Unthinkable

To Think The Unthinkable

To Think The Unthinkable By Fredalupe! Delving deeply into the challenge this paradoxical puzzle presents the thinking mind, the answering of which necessarily leading one’s own attention to a suspension of the very thing with which one attempts to do the answering,...

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In Daring Freedom Found

In Daring Freedom Found

In Daring Freedom Found By Fredalupe!        In some of my recent travels down south, down Mexico way, I came across more than one representation similar to our present cover titled ‘Galactic Empress’. That odd assortment of eyes, one above the other, two to a side,...

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By Torchlight

By Torchlight

By Torchlight Fredalupe! By torchlight we see into darkness, amidst the crumbling ruins of yesterday, picking our path past moldering edifices and the calcified choices others have made before us. Yet neither the phantoms of the known nor that shining light...

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Universal Magi

Universal Magi By Fredalupe!   Inspiration, for all its universality, is a particular affair. Long have I wondered at its presence, almost as long as I have at its absence, be it on a white page, a blank regard, or a heart empty of recognition to the love calling...

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Ancient Pride

Ancient Pride

Ancient Pride by Simon Haiduk Ancient Pride By Fredalupe!   Never let the fear of striking out get in your way. ~ Babe Ruth   I am recently returned from a laborious trek that happened to take place in Mexico. The phrasing here is significant, because, of...

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The Big Bamboozle

The Big Bamboozle

The Big Bamboozle By Fredalupe!        It’s never too late. Never. No matter how far you’ve gone down that wrong road, you can always turn back. Surely we’ve all heard those words before; perhaps we’ve even all shared in that experience in our own way, hard to...

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Winter’s Gift

Winter’s Gift

In a moment of perceived peace, a rare snow falls, each crystalline marvel mythically timed for that special evening only slightly distorted from it’s original solstice mark; each flake proof and testament to the power and fragility of human imagination and manifest...

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Buddha in the Matrix

Lucky us! Once again we have Jan Kasparec’s imagination empowering us all with a painting that really speaks for itself, of us, our strange society, our even stranger civilization; a world in which the strains of cultures swirl in a cacophony of chaos, where some teem...

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Raven Magic

Give me knowledge, so I may have kindness for all. Plains Indian   I imagine many of us feel affinities and even kinship towards living creatures beyond the usual human assortment of nuts in a box.   I imagine were it not for that other company many of us would...

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The Awakening or W.T.F. (Where’s That Freedom?)

Bit of a grandiose title to be sure, although it does suit Mear One’s beautiful art work gracing our cover this month. So much hoopla over this latest eclipse, so many mad predictions, warnings, darkly lunatic maneuvers and evolutionary exhortations, as to fill the...

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Have No fear Freedom is Near

Well, hopefully we haven’t scared too many people away with MearOne’s fabulous painting titled David and Goliath. Here it is in its glory outside the frame of our cover, dystopic scene intact, with chemtrails and finger-flipping, and a much clearer view of Davids’...

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Red Roses Spring

Red Roses Spring

  A Thousand Words, I hear a picture would be faster. Yet here we are. Well, let’s see if that holds true. I’m known for alacrity, although brevity’s a bitch. For a thousand pictures though I hear that a symbol would do instead. I’ve got a quite few of those in...

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Upon the Anvil of my Heart

Upon the Anvil of my Heart

With each thunderous strike that cracks me open, the hammering out of torturously bent and twisted parts, ever accompanied by a pitiless beating, as remorseless and endless as the waves of the sea itself, I cannot help but ask: what is being forged here from the raw...

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Through the Gates of Change

Through the Gates of Change

There have been so many changes of late that, to my seeing eye, they merge into one inexorable force, the details of which become a froth of less interest than that of the spectacle of Power itself moving, of Intent manifesting before us all, of wonder at the mystery...

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Turbo Flux

Turbo Flux

By Fredalupe!   Turbo Flux, if I’m not mistaken is the title of this month’s cover, Simon Haiduk’s fabulous painting, and a fairly accurate description of these last many months of life as I’ve seen and experienced it myself. Without a doubt it has been a Fire...

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The Music has Already Started

The Music has Already Started By Fredalupe! Solar Wave is what Simon Haiduk the creator of this month’s cover names his creation. And what a painting! A powerful and appropriate work of Art to grace The New Agora this month. No doubting that this Fire Monkey Year has...

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Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones          After listening to some of Santos Bonacci’s work (whom I happily recommend) I, Lorenzo, had a huge heart opening and then an epiphany on what we share in the paper and how we share it.   To be brief, my interactions with people, who for one...

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Wake Up! Look Up!

Wake Up! Look Up!

Wake Up! Look Up! Appropriately titled, “Look up - Wake Up” - the Global Chemtrail Summit happening in Vancouver this May 7th is long in coming. The wide spread global geoengineering that’s been happening all around us for so long has always been one of our prime...

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Elect to Govern Yourself

Elect to Govern Yourself

Elect to Govern Yourself or "The Emperor's New Clothes” Here I give a simple summation of my views whereas the entirety of personal and interpersonal human (behaviour) is concerned. Notice I didn’t use the word political. From my perspective, if you don’t want to...

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The New Now

The New Now

The New Now oct 2015 I’ve decided to vote for myself this election. Really can’t really see who would or could be better suited for the job of governing my life, really. I did take a moment to look at the various candidates being politely paraded about in this part of...

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Tomorrow’s Bloom Today

Tomorrow’s Bloom Today

Tomorrow’s Bloom Today “The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were.” – John Keats. What do you say to that folks? The conclusion...

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