Encouraging The Evolution of Consciousness, our Online Nexus is dedicated to health, truth and above all Freedom!
Masks and Mayhem
Masks and Mayhem “The philosopher is not a person who wears no mask, but one who knows how to play with a number of masks, skillfully shifting from wearing one to wearing another, as circumstances demand.” ~Raymond Geuss The self is not a monolith...
Anarchists Who Vote Are Like Atheists Who Pray
Anarchists Who Vote Are Like Atheists Who Pray by Wendy McElroy The similarity lies in the inconsistency displayed between stated belief and actions. In reality, however, the consequences of an anarchist who votes are far worse than mere...
The Light Has Cast a Spell Upon Itself
The Light Has Cast a Spell Upon Itself www.awakeninthedream.com When I contemplate what is at the very bottom of the insanity—and evil—that is playing out in our world, I keep on coming back to one and the same thing. The cause—and...
Autism and the Fractured Soul: How Modern Science Severs the Soul’s Link to the Body
Autism and the Fractured Soul: How Modern Science Severs the Soul’s Link to the Body Convincing billions that newborns must be injected with synthetic chemicals from birth to their first year—is spellcasting propaganda at its finest. Photo by Caleb Woods...
The Parable of Blue Elk and Fool’s Feet
The Parable of Blue Elk and Fool’s Feet “With great power comes great responsibility.” ~Stan Lee As long as there is poverty, “being rich” is an illusion. Why is this? Because richness loses its legitimacy when it’s built on, or indifferent to, the...
The Darkside of AI – Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity
The Darkside of AI – Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity The following is a transcript of this video. In an interview in 1964, the science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke stated: “The most intelligent inhabitants of that future...
Affirmations of Life – How to be Great
Affirmations of Life - How to be Great The following is a transcript of this video. “It’s easy to be a naive idealist. It’s easy to be a cynical realist. It’s quite another thing to have no illusions and still hold the inner flame.” Marie-Louise...
Society is Designed to Steal Your Soul
Society is Designed to Steal Your Soul "You have become addicted to our medicine through which we have become your absolute masters..." "A dissatisfied people are pawns in our game of world conquest." "It seems clearer every day that the moral problem of...
How Intuition Can Answer Life’s Big Questions
How Intuition Can Answer Life's Big Questions This is the launch of our new newsletter. Each week, you'll receive a concise and in-depth article, exploring topics similar to those we cover on the YouTube channel and in our Members' program. Some articles will...
Zen and Anarchy
Zen and Anarchy “Zen is the practice of anarchy in the strictest and most super-orthodox sense.” ~Max Cafard Let’s unpack the concept of "Zen and Anarchy" by exploring its proposed seven components: authentic rebellion, direct action through...
Freedom or Fascism? By Julian Rose
Freedom or Fascism? By Julian Rose www.julianrose.info Here we are. No more speculation about 'what awaits around the corner'; the jail keepers are escorting us down the concrete corridor and the cell keys are hanging from his belt. Each one of us, in...
Dark Totalitarian AI Cloud Gathering Over Poland
Dark Totalitarian AI Cloud Gathering Over Poland By Julian Rose Polish Premier Donald Tusk is going all out to make Poland the leading European country in the development of AI technologies, especially ‘Cloud’ advanced...
Our New Hub: good people doing good things for good reasons, with community at its heart and love leading the way: encouraging voices of human freedom, working to develop what is fast becoming a true Human Evolution.
Introducing Dani Katz!
Introducing Dani Katz! Dani Katz, M.A. (focus: media literacy, quantum language) Equal parts thought leader, trailblazer and word wizard, Dani Katz is a catalyst for evolution. Whether writing, teaching, consulting or podcasting, Dani is a fierce,...
THE COWBOY POET By Quietbear Most people walk through their lives in a stupor. They live by habit without giving much thought to the life they're actually living. Life is routine. A routine is a rut. A rut is a grave without ends. This is all by design....
When we fall to our illusions
When we fall to our illusions Vomit old conclusions And clean that dirty mess off the floor. Stinks, sure it`s our old refuse We refused to drop Just how our hidden beliefs Fears that will never stop. Pull up your big-boy pants and your big-girls dress...
Introducing Dr. R. Michael Fisher!
Introducing Dr. R. Michael Fisher! This week's Apoc staff focus looks at Dr. R. Michael Fisher, author, educator, and pioneering scholar in the work of Fear and Fearology. R. Michael Fisher, Ph.D. (focus: fearology) Having followed several...
Help When You Need It
Help When You Need It "All attacks of inner badness to hurt other people means that the attacker must frantically drive himself crazy trying to find an excuse for his evil, and since there is no excuse, all he can do is to increase his pain. God...
Introducing Jeanice Barcelo!
Introducing Jeanice Barcelo! Over the next few weeks we will be featuring the outstanding staff of Apocatastasis Institute. We start with author, speaker, and birth expert Jeanice Barcelo. CONTENT: PLEASE NOTE: This spring Jeanice is offering her course...
The Waxies’ Dargle: Lily Phillips & Some Muslim Fellas On The Way Of All Flesh
The Waxies' Dargle: Lily Phillips & Some Muslim Fellas On The Way Of All Flesh In this poetic essay John Coleman parallels the Second Iraq War and American child rearing with the artistic aid of Lily Phillips, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Bashar al-Assad,...
Learn Poetry Like Never Before!
Learn Poetry Like Never Before! This year we have been working on "The Project," the publication of a set of books which will bind both our enrolled students, former learners, and larger community in a three-year cycle of readings which will synoptically...
Apoc’s “Geopolitical Turnings” Conference,
Apoc's "Geopolitical Turnings" Conference "Power arrangements in the world are rapidly changing as the post-WWII order breaks down. Get up to speed at Apocatastasis' FREE online conference this March." John Coleman John...
Forever Free – Finding Your Real Self – Testimonial and Ch-alice Art Gallery
Forever Free - Finding Your Real Self - Testimonial and Ch-alice Art Gallery My 10 week journey with Lorenzo and Cambell By Antonia X Cambell and Lorenzo take no prisoners. They are not here to gain your servitude they are here to...
Forever Free by Picking Up Speed
Picking Up Speed By Lorenzo Picking up speed, practically speaking, is more about dropping need than any outward seeking. After all, we all know, heavy loads make slow roads. So drop needing and stop the bleeding. Take an inventory, a...
Not That Kind of Mom
Not That Kind of Mom This post will be a little different, because I want to talk about something that will surely earn some hate mail. If you’re a mom with school-aged kids, and if you’re sick of being bossed around by out-of-control social engineers, this one...