Encouraging The Evolution of Consciousness, our Online Nexus is dedicated to health, truth and above all Freedom!
Divide & Conquer The Occult Game of Stalking
Divide & Conquer The Occult Game of Stalking By Bernhard Guenther We don’t learn from history [be it the hidden, alternative, actual, or official history] because an intellectual understanding of it is useless if it is not...
The Age of Victimhood: A Paradigm On Its Way Out?
www.natureofhealing.org The Age of Victimhood: A Paradigm On Its Way Out? By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath In a sense, many of us have fallen into a trap of our own making; Victimhood. Victim mentality is when...
The Psychology of Malignant Narcissists – People of the Lie
academyofideas.com The Psychology of Malignant Narcissists – People of the Lie The following is a transcript of this video. “Evil is not committed by people who feel uncertain about their righteousness, who question...
4 Ways to Hack the Mind of God
www.self-inflictedphilosophy.com 4 Ways to Hack the Mind of God by Gary Z. McGee “The artist cannot and must not take anything for granted but must drive to the heart of every answer and expose the question the answer hides.” ~James Baldwin...
Freedom and the Splitting of Humanity
Freedom and the Splitting of Humanity Seeking freedom and sovereignty only externally is futile as long as we have not learned to self-govern and self-rule. And this is the hardest part of the work for the resistance of our...
The Path with heart (choose life)
The Path with heart (choose life) I have realised after many years of following the Toltec way to knowledge, that the path with heart as Don Juan described must be different for every person. What the heart desires in each individual, is...
“Invasion of the Body Snatchers” Comes to Life
www.awakeninthedream.com "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" Comes to Life by Paul Levy Though I am no historian, I feel confident in saying that we are living through the strangest time in all of human history. Jung writes, “That the unconscious has...
The “Unity” of Community
The “Unity” of Community “Community is present when we are in relation with our soul.” Conditioned to Artificiality Society is not a community. It is an engineered system designed to produce human reactivity,...
How A License Is Like A Vaccine
www.natureofhealing.org How A License Is Like A Vaccine Nearly one in four workers require a government-issued license to do their job. License defined: permission granted by an authority (as of a government or a business) to do some act or...
The Art of Self-interrogation
www.self-inflictedphilosophy.com The Art of Self-interrogation by Gary Z. McGee Questioning to the Nth Degree “The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer.” ~Ken Kesey People are psychosocial sponges. They are...
Harmonic Attunement
www.heartstarbooks.com Harmonic Attunement In my last post, we talked about the incoming energy of the Shift of Ages, and what it means for our physical and spiritual evolution. The energy is transforming our perception whether we realise...
Origins of Modern Education
Origins of Modern Education Excerpts from my book "An Unorthodox Truth" Franklin O'Kanu The education system we have today, known as compulsory education, originated from the Prussian government in the 1700s. This...
Our New Hub: good people doing good things for good reasons, with community at its heart and love leading the way: encouraging voices of human freedom, working to develop what is fast becoming a true Human Evolution.
UN-Compliance, Non-Compliance and Responsibility for Self.
UN-Compliance, Non-Compliance and Responsibility for Self By Lorenzo To change, to grow, to fly. Perhaps the best reasons to not comply. For anything, I can now comfortably tell myself, that gets in the way of my personal growth is something I no...
Freedom or Façade by Cambell and Lorenzo.
Freedom or Façade Real destiny or illusion’s lost cause. Let’s say, we take stock of ourselves and our surroundings, inside and out allowing for full love and honesty. The clean, the dirty, the happy and the sad. Making sure to go deep inside and find our...
Healing Through Challenging Times
Healing Through Challenging Times If you wish to feel strong to face what’s coming, well, I would say being healthy is the only way to go. Problems bring challenge and challenge can ‘force’ even the laziest of us to get off their arse and do something...
Sobriety and Clear Choice with Lorenzo & Cambell
Also Now on Odysee odysee.com Sobriety and Clear Choice We have all experienced stress, at one point or another, in our lives. From the physical to the mental, the emotional, financial and perhaps the most painful, the existential. Why are we here? What...
Harald Kautz – Bio Weapons and Healing Protocols
Except Now on Odysee odysee.com Harald Kautz - Bio Weapons and Healing Protocols By Lorenzo from The New Now Harald Kautz is one of the first and few interdisciplinary scientists who showed that it is possible to back engineer the classified...
What is truth? By Lorenzo
Episode 4.5 of The Odyssey of Truth What is truth? An interesting question with many potential ‘avenues’ of exploration. Perhaps even endless, as my truth changes as I do. Funny in that change, changes me, which in turn, changes my truth. Truth is...
What is ‘In Love Unlimited’.
What is ‘In Love Unlimited’? I mean besides the obvious meaning of the words. Living with unlimited amounts of love. Seems nice and sweet, doesn’t it? And yet, also perhaps, unattainable for most, many, if not all in this life. Well, I can say, although it...
To Transform Listening: with IAM SAUMS and The New Now
------ To Transform Listening. Changing how we hear things. Maybe a clearer way of understanding this is simply ‘learning to listen’. One of the hardest skills I’ve ever had to master is the skill of listening to others, striving to listen, to truly hear...
The Oddyssey of Truth with Cambell & Lorenzo!
The Odyssey of Truth By Lorenzo ‘The Journey Back to Yourself’ begins when you say it does. Perhaps, like us, you have come to the conclusion that something, even many things, are way off in this life that most of us live in? A society, a culture of...
Imagine Freedom with Max Igan & Lorenzo!
Imagine Freedom with Max Igan & Lorenzo! ------- & Imagine Freedom... More than a happy place. A life lived outside of any bars that may cage you in. Where there are no rules and only intelligence reigns supreme. Imagine if you can,...
Truth In Action with Cambell from Auto Didactic & Lorenzo from The New Now
Truth In Action with Cambell from Auto Didactic & Lorenzo from The New Now & Live Your Truth. Sounds so nice doesn’t it? Sounds almost simple. ‘A baby can do that’, I hear myself thinking. I guess to be bold about it one could...
‘Return of the Men’ with Ex-Canadian Forces and Retired-OPP Auxiliary Police Officer Eddie Cornell & Lorenzo of The New Now
'Return of the Men' with Ex-Canadian Forces and Retired-OPP Auxiliary Police Officer Eddie Cornell & Lorenzo of The New Now & It was my great pleasure to have this opportunity to discuss the current viral nonsense and much more besides with Eddie...